
CE 1-7: Poetry of Contact 

Call for Submissions/Volume 2: Global

There are many collections of sci-fi inspired poetry, but thus far the editors have not  found, anywhere, an anthology of contactee/Experiencer poetry. This is likely the first. The  anthology will have seven sections of poetry, representing Contact of the First – Seventh Kinds.  Poems will ideally be based upon first-person experiences, but there aren’t any affidavits of  authenticity for this type of phenomenon. Therefore, poems will be selected on the basis of how  well they capture our stories, which are resonant, honest, courageous.  

The editor, Tish Eastman, is a poet and an Experiencer.  


  1. Submit from 1-7 poems, maximum 200 line length per poem.  
  2. Upload your poems, attached to email, in a single Microsoft Word document.  
  3. Include a brief, one paragraph bio, including any background you wish to share about your  Experiences, or any paranormal experiences in general. (This is for the editors eyes only. If  you are selected for publication you will have an opportunity to resubmit a bio, or to be  published without one, or be published under a pseudonym if you prefer.)  
  4. Poems will be selected for each section of the anthology. It’s not necessary to specify which  type of encounter you wish your poem to be considered for, but if you have a preference  include CE 1, CE 2, etc. after the poem title.  
  5. The definitions of the CE types: CE 1 (seeing a UFO), CE 2 (evidence of a UFO), CE 3  (seeing an extraterrestrial or inter-dimensional being), CE 4 (abduction or being taken), CE 5  (communication with the being), CE 6 (death to human or animal), CE 7 (the hybridization  program). If you wish more detail email and ask for the  Writer’s Prompts document to be sent to you.  
  6. Send submission via email to Put “Submission for CE” in  the subject header.  
  7. Like and follow DragonTears Media on Facebook for updates. dragontearsmedia 
  8. Visit the website. 
  9. Notification that your email was received will be sent. Status emails will arrive as needed.
  10. Notification that you have been accepted for publication will be sent in January 2023.  
  11. Poets will not be compensated for publication, but will have the opportunity to download the  Kindle version, in Kindle unlimited “free” events. Friends and family can download during  these times as well. Paper bound versions of the anthology will be available from multiple  online sites, for the retail price TBD. An audio book (Audible) version may be available at a  later date.  
  12. You are free to republish your poetry, at any time, anywhere. You retain all copyrights in  perpetuity.  

Thank you for submitting! 
